Golf Meggen: "A special course"

As soon as you arrive, you realise that Golf Meggen is a very special golf course. Whether you come from the north via Küssnacht or from the south from Lucerne, there is always a view of Lake Lucerne and the Rigi and Pilatus mountains.

Arriving at the car park, you can see the Gasthaus Badhof. It is situated on a slight hill and fits perfectly into the terrain. From the terrace, the restaurant and especially from the guest rooms on the top floor, you are not only impressed by the view of the lake and the mountains, but also of a large part of the golf courses.

Directly in front of the terrace is the slightly lower putting green and behind it the spacious driving range. To the right, a path leads to the tees of hole 1. If there is still some time left, the short game can be practised on the pitching area next to the tee.

Information on golf course construction

Construction progress with commissioning:

  • 15.6.2016: Groundbreaking ceremony
  • 29.8.2017: Opening of 9-hole course and driving range
  • 3.10.2017: Opening of 6-hole short course and pitching area

Technical data golf course:

  • Golf area: Total 21.3 hectares
  • 7 930 m2 greens
  • 10 730 m2 teeing areas
  • 90 180 m2 Fairways (fairways)
  • 101 904 m2 Semirough (manicured area next to the fairways)
  • 2 657 m2 Sand bunker
  • Natural, unfertilised compensation area: 25.4 hectares
  • Earth movements: Approximately 35 000 m3
  • Newly planted trees and shrubs: 980

Irrigation technology data:

  • Pump capacity: 76 m3/h (76 000 litre bottles of water/h)
  • Irrigation pipes Ø 40-140 mm: 9 500m (distance Meggen-Küssnacht: 7 300m)
  • 367 sprinklers with 18 300m signal cable

Architecture golf course:

  • Rossknecht Golfplan GmbH, Dennenmoos 7, D-88131 Lindau

9 °C

min: 8 °C

max: 10 °C

  • Rain Volume: 0 mm
  • Clouds: 100 %
  • Pressure: 1020 hPa
  • Wind Speed: 1 m/s from North