A home for earwigs

Valuable pest controllers
Earwigs are nocturnal and hide in dark hiding places during the day. They feed on plants but also on animals.

Of particular interest to gardeners is their preference for aphids. They are also particularly fond of codling moths, mites and earth fleas. But beware: they also like to eat the petals and stamens of some plants. They like the juice of fruits such as peaches and grapes.

Building a shelter
Take a clay pot, preferably long-stalked hay or straw, a string and twigs.

  •  Measure the twig with the base and saw it so that it has enough space to cover the hole.

  • Now tie the string around the twig and pass the beginning of the string through the hole in the clay pot so that the twig is inside. The string should be as long as possible so that you have enough choice when hanging it up later.

  • Now you can put plenty of hay or straw in first.

  • When you have filled the pot with enough hay/straw, measure the top opening and cut another twig. Use this to attach the hay/straw so that it sits securely.


Have fun looking for a place!